Infusion #3

Update time! Another infusion done ✅! Scans done ✅! We hit a few kinks this time, so I had a little more time in between. With COVID-19, they wanted me only going in to one clinic and as little as possible so we had to schedule all of my appointments in one place, and then do my doctor appointments virtually. It has been interesting for sure, and more complicated than it should be. I am about ready to throw the towel in on all of it. I think we all are!

The scans and ultrasounds were good, no changes, no new tumors, so that was really great news! There’s is a lot of anxiety involved with scans, and is such a relief when they’re over and went well.

The infusion went well and as planned also. I have stayed on top of my anti nausea medicine, it is such a lifesaver! It causes drowsiness and my infusion makes me fatigued so I am very exhausted, but I can deal with that!

Overall the Bloms are doing well. The kids run around outside a good chunk of the day, which I love, that’s been great for them, I’m glad they’re getting out and enjoying the sunshine!

I still love the sunshine (but have been a lot smarter while out and about this year) and I have loved the beautiful weather the last little while. It has been wonderful to get out and enjoy the spring!

Kate Blom